
Director KIM Il-rhan | Producer JO Sona | Korea | Korean, English | 90min | DCP | Color

🔹 Production Company: PINKS

▪ Production Schedule

Pre-ProductionMay 2024
Proposed DeliveryLate 2026

▪ Logline

Following Su-young, a transgender lesbian, in her unique research about Korean trans in the 90s, MARINÉ shows a new perspective on trans women's history, culture, prostitution, and love.

▪  Synopsis

Su-young, a non-surgery transgender lesbian researcher, meets older trans women in Itaewon, the US Army base area in Korea. Listening to their stories carefully, Su-young wonders how she can delve deeper into trans history despite the lack of historical records left. Su-young starts a journey to find who they were and tries to create a narrative character, Mariné.  She also begins to play Mariné in her script, wishing she could understand better the trans women in the 90s.



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